7 Elements of an Employer Employee Relationship

By: Updated: November 8, 2021

Maintaining a good employer-employee relationship is crucial to the success of you and your business. Not only that-- but having a good employer-employee relationship can open up new doors of possibility for everyone at your workplace.

Interested to know some elements of a good employer-employee relationship? Keep reading for 7 elements plus some tips on How to improve the employer employee relationship.


1. Establish Employer vs. Employee Relationships

Let's first look at an employment definition. An employer-employee relationship is simply the connection that you, as an employer, have with your employee(s).

This could be fairly simplistic depending on the hierarchy at your workplace, or fairly complex. The difference between employee and employer isn't usually too big.


2. Employee vs Employer Relationship Example

Let's say you're the employer of a decent-sized business with managers, supervisors, and standard employees. You as the employer might not have the strongest direct relationship with each standard employee. They might have to go through the chain of command in order to reach you, which creates some distance.

On the opposite end, some situations will require you to be closer with standard employees. In these cases, it's imperative that you have a healthy relationship with your employees as it can ultimately affect their wellness.

Concerned about your relationship with employees? Let's take a look at how to improve the employer employee relationship.


3. Create a Safe Space for Employees

One of the top reasons that employees leave their job or dread going into it is because they don't feel comfortable at work. For employees who spend a large amount of their life at work (we're talking over 30 hours here), it is vital that you provide a safe space for employees.

How can you do this? Well, get to know your employees. Ask them what they feel comfortable doing, what they don't feel comfortable doing, how their week is going, and so on.

Also-- one thing necessary in workplaces these days is to ask employees their pronouns. This helps them feel more accepted at work.


4. Communication Is Everything

On the topic of getting to know your employees, you need to have good communication. Employees rely on you to tell them how to proceed.

Similarly, you rely on them to get jobs done. You need to keep this in mind as there are many similarities between employee and employer that often go overlooked.

If something needs to be brought attention to, do not beat around the bush.


5. Be Reliable

No one likes a person who can't stick to their word, especially employees! When you promise something to your employees, make sure it's done.

This creates a stronger bond between you two. If you can't get it done, offer an incentive for the opportunity missed. Both employer vs employee rights also need to be clearly stated and addressed.


6. Offer Career Advice and Advancements

Oftentimes, employees look up to their employers because they assume you have more experience than them. Be that shining idol in their life. This is just another one of the great elements of an employee employer relationship.

Rather than boss them around, instruct them on ways they can advance through the ladder. On that note, you can even offer promotions or opportunities to them for good performance to boost their happiness!


7. Provide Constructive Feedback

If your employee is doing something that doesn't sit well with you, tell them!

But don't let this be an opportunity for you to lecture them. Interact with a calm mind and ensure them they are not in trouble (unless they did something truly heinous). Offer them guidance if they have trouble understanding what's going on.


Take Action to Improve Your Employer-Employee Relationships

In this article were just a few tips on how to improve your employee-employer relationships. These barely scratch the surface of what you can do-- but they're a great starting point.


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