How to pick a Private Health Services Plan provider [PHSP Tips]

By: Updated: July 13, 2017

For the most part, Private Health Services Plans are marketed and administered by reputable firms with a proven and documented track record.  Unfortunately, the industry is unregulated and there are no barriers to entry. 

Dig beneath the surface and make sure you know how to pick a Private Health Services Plan provider.

1. Transparency

The collapse of the world's financial markets in 2007 eroded public trust in many institutions.  Consumers experienced unprecedented levels of wealth erosion and many were forced into bankruptcy.  Fear and a lack of trust are still top of mind due in part to the rise in the number of Ponzi schemes and other ploys to fool investors.

In 2015, it is evident to the business community that transparency plays a critical role in earning consumer trust - particularly in the financial services industry. 

Consider the following questions when you're researching your Private Health Services Plan PHSP provider:

  1. Do you have access to the provider's financial statements
  2. Does the provider have an external auditor?
  3. Is the provider accountable for their actions? What regulatory bodies do they report to?
  4. Do they have a privacy policy?
  5. How is your personal data accessed and stored?

2. PO Box

How would you feel sending your family's medical history, banking information, and company cheque to a PO Box?  What guarantee do you have that you will receive a reimbursement?  Make sure your Private Health Service Plan provider has more than a PO Box.

3. IT infrastructure

To secure your medical, financial, and personal information, a business needs to deploy significant resources to develop their  IT infrastructure.  Look for the following capabilities to verify the provider's IT competence:

  1. Secure online account access
  2. Secure online applications
  3. Secure online claims
  4. Secure payment gateway

Many new, small providers do not have the resources to develop their Information Technology.  Not only will your service level be compromised, but your key personal data may be at risk.  A quick look at the provider's website should give you a strong indication of their competence.

Other points to consider

  1. How long have they been in business?
  2. How many customers do they have?
  3. How many claims do they process in a year?
  4. What is their audit process for claims?
  5. Are they Canada wide?
  6. Who are the key individuals behind the company?
  7. Has the company been recognized for industry awards?

Take your time and perform due dilligence before you make a decision.

Are you a small business owner or self employed business owner in Canada researching Private Health Services Plans? Take a look at our free guide and learn how a PHSP can reduce your taxable income.

Download Beginner's HSA Guide for an incorporated individual


Write off 100% of your medical expenses

Are you an incorporated business owner with no employees? Learn how to use a Health Spending Account to pay for your medical expenses through your corporation: 

Download the HSA Guide for Incorporated Individuals

Do you own a corporation with employees? Discover a tax deductible health and dental plan that has no premiums:

Download the HSA Guide for a Business with Staff

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