What is Small Business Mobile Marketing and How To Use It?

By: Updated: February 16, 2022

Mobile marketing is one of the fastest growing ways to reach potential customers. Why? Because people are increasingly using “mobile” devices like smartphones and tablets rather than computers and televisions. Therefore, it’s important to reach out to them where they are spending time.

If you own a small business, you may wonder whether you can compete against big corporations. In fact, you can. And a mobile business strategy allows you to do so in a cost-effective way. 


What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is a term for a wide range of ways to reach potential and current customers on their mobile devices. It can include paid advertisements, newsletters, social media posts, apps and more.

The goal is to meet your customers in their space. According to Adweek, 79 percent of smart phone users have the phone on or near them for 22 hours a day. So, it makes sense to reach out to them with mobile marketing. And the market is growing – there are now 8.7 billion mobile devices worldwide, more than there are people!


Mobile marketing strategy

The key with a mobile digital strategy is having a focus. If you had unlimited funds, you could send out endless messages and hope that you attract some attention. But every small business is on a budget. Therefore, the key question is how do you achieve maximum impact.

The answer: Personas. This is just a fancy word for describing your customer.

The first question to ask yourself is who is on mobile devices? The answer may surprise you. Yes, young people definitely gravitate towards mobile. But consumers of all ages are using their smartphones to gather information and make purchases.

Let’s say you have a local store catering to birdwatching enthusiasts. You sell bird books, binoculars and hiking gear. Your typical customer is between the ages of 50 and 75. This demographic may not spend as much time as younger people on mobile devices, but they definitely use them to enjoy their hobbies. Can you use mobile marketing? Absolutely.

You can target birders with text messages and email newsletters. And invite them to send in their best pictures so that you can post them on Instagram.


Types of mobile marketing campaigns

There is a wide range of options available for a mobile business strategy. Some of these include:

  • Short Message Service (SMS) are texts with just words and numbers. You can reach out to your customers with quick updates about sales or events.
  • Multimedia Message Services (MMS): These allow you to send pictures and GIFs, in addition to words.
  • Advertisements: There are many mobile opportunities to advertise, including in games and on websites.
  • Newsletters: Emails are a great way to stay in touch with customers. If you provide informative and educational content, you will keep them reading month after month. Be sure that your emails are easy to read on mobile devices – otherwise people will hit delete.
  • Text reminders: Many businesses use texting to prompt customers about an upcoming appointment or restaurant reservation. These protect your revenue by making sure that people don’t forget to show up.
  • Location ads: If customers are looking for a product and are in a certain location, targeted ads can alert them to nearby stores that stock the item.


Advantages of mobile marketing

Here are just some of the reasons to go with a mobile business strategy:

  • It’s cost-effective: Some tools, such as email newsletters, are free. Well-targeted advertisements can be purchased at a reasonable cost.
  • Mobile is growing: People are using their mobile devices more than ever – so take your marketing directly to them.
  • Build your audience: When you provide people with informative and entertaining content, such as Instagram posts or educational newsletters, they will help spread the word about your products.


Mobile marketing channels

As we have indicated, there are many channels to reach people on their devices. It’s important to find out which ones appeal to your customers. You may need to do a few trials to see what works. However, be careful not to spam people with unwanted messages – that’s the quickest way to get a bad reputation.


Mobile marketing example

Let’s say you operate a running store in a small city, selling shoes, clothing and accessories to both competitive and recreational athletes. In recent years, you have faced growing competition from online stores, where people can purchase equipment and have it delivered right to their door – usually at a very good price.

You have a list of loyal customers. Your objective is to keep them from switching to a big online retailer. In addition, you hope that they will spread the word in the local community to help build your sales.

Here are some of the elements of a mobile digital strategy for a running store:

  • Mobile friendly newsletter delivered via email: This is one way to beat the big online stores. In your newsletter, you can keep running enthusiasts informed about local workouts and races. At the same time, be sure to mention any special promotions you have. This is a great way to retain loyal customers while at the same time growing your revenues.
  • Text messaging: Let your customers know about a flash sale. Or remind them of the deadline to sign up for a local race. Running enthusiasts appreciate being kept in the loop.
  • Instagram: Take plenty of pictures of your customers at running events and post them on Instagram. These may not lead to immediate sales but they maintain customer loyalty over the long run.

The key here is not to try to do everything. As a small business, you need to focus your efforts. You only have so much money to spend. And you only have so much time to devote to marketing. The key is to maximize return on your investment of dollars and hours.


Mobile marketing is a great opportunity

People are turning to their mobile devices for entertainment, information and to keep in touch with family and friends. This presents a marketing opportunity for both small and large businesses. The key is to develop a focused mobile business strategy rather than be everywhere at once. Good luck!


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