The secret to affordable health insurance for consultants in Canada

By: Updated: July 13, 2017

Finding affordable health insurance for your consulting business is not easy. Your research and experience probably reveals expensive monthly premiums, costly co-insurance payments, and a restricted claim list. You might feel as though health and dental benefit plans are not feasible if you are a consultant in Canada.

Don’t worry – there is light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s not easy being a consultant in Canada. Competition is fierce, your clients are demanding, and there are rarely enough hours in a day to finish your to-do list. Now you’re facing another challenge – finding affordable health insurance.

The secret to affordable health insurance for consultants is a Health Spending Account.

3 key factors make a Health Spending Account the ultimate match for a consultant in Canada.


A Health Spending Account typically has no premiums.

  1. Cost control is in your hands as opposed to the insurance company
  2. Reduce your taxes by writing off 100% of your medical costs through a Health Spending Account
  3. No deductibles, co-payments, or additional fees to join

Full Coverage

A Health Spending Account offers 100% coverage.

  1. Wide and deep range of eligible medical expenses
  2. A traditional insured plan limits access to benefits
  3. Inclusive definition of a dependant

Easy to use

Health Spending Accounts are designed for a consultant.

  1. The claim process is online and instant
  2. No complicated exclusions and conditions on your claims
  3. No medical underwriting

Health Spending Accounts have been widely adopted by Canada’s consulting community as a viable alternative to traditional insurance. Get our free Beginner's Guide on Health Spending Accounts and discover how it will fit with your consulting business.

Download Beginner's HSA Guide for an incorporated individual

Write off 100% of your medical expenses

Are you an incorporated business owner with no employees? Learn how to use a Health Spending Account to pay for your medical expenses through your corporation: 

Download the HSA Guide for Incorporated Individuals

Do you own a corporation with employees? Discover a tax deductible health and dental plan that has no premiums:

Download the HSA Guide for a Business with Staff

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